Why should you get your furnace checked annually?

October 28, 2016by admin2

Unfortunately, routine check ups are a necessary part of life. While dentists and doctors recommend yearly check ups and your vehicles require regular oil changes and tune ups, annual furnace checks are also very important.

If you haven’t had your furnace thoroughly inspected this year, we strongly recommend you do so, and now is the time. Let us tell you why this service is something you need done.

  1. Safety – Annual inspections help protect your home from carbon monoxide, gas leaks and fire hazards. Furnaces that have not been regularly maintained are much more likely to produce dangerous levels of carbon monoxide and natural gas leaks.
  2. Efficiency – By having your furnace checked and tuned-up annually by a professional HVAC technician, your furnace will run more smoothly, saving you money each month on heating costs and helping your home heat up more efficiently in the colder seasons.
  3. Performance – Furnace inspections help to find small problems early on before they become larger repairs. HVAC technicians determine if anything isn’t working properly so you can schedule repairs before the weather gets cold. This will prevent you from dealing with a broken-down heater in the middle of winter.
  4. Increased Life Expectancy – Regular furnace check ups will save you money by increasing the lifespan of your furnace. This is because annual tune-ups allow your furnace to operate with greater efficiency for longer.

Safety comes first when it comes to your furnace

As colder weather becomes a full-time presence, you start to use your furnace daily. An appliance that burns fuel all day long is not something to be ignored. Not only will an annual furnace inspection help you avoid costly repairs and reduce your heating costs, but most importantly it will keep you and your family safe from dangerous carbon monoxide and gas leaks.

Schedule a Furnace Inspection with W.G. Speeks Today

Annual checkups are the easiest way to prevent small problems from becoming big ones. For more questions, or to schedule a furnace inspection or any of our other services, call us at 804.276.2800 and see why W.G. Speeks has been the reliable Richmond, VA heating and air conditioning experts since 1943.


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